Hidrive cloud speicher
Hidrive cloud speicher

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All data stored with HiDrive is subject to those German data protection laws. Somit eignet sich HiDrive zum Beispiel auch als Cloud fr Vereine jeglicher Art. Die Cloud-Lsung eignet sich genauso gut fr alle anderen Organisationen, die schnell und sicher auf gemeinsame Daten zugreifen mssen oder mchten.

#Hidrive cloud speicher Offline

Typical cloud service providers operate their data centers in the United States, where privacy laws aren’t nearly as strict as they are in Germany. iland is a global cloud service provider of secure and compliant hosting for infrastructure (IaaS), disaster recovery (DRaaS), and backup as a service (BaaS). PDF-Dokumente knnen auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert und offline betrachtet und ausgedruckt werden. In der zweiten Folge von STRATO facts lernst Du, warum Deine Daten in unserem Online-Speicher HiDrive sicherer sind als bei Dir zu Hause.Domain, Mail, Websit. Natrlich ist HiDrive nicht nur als Cloud-Speicher fr Unternehmen jeder Gre eine gute Option.

#Hidrive cloud speicher archive

Archive in hubiC the files that you rarely access.

#Hidrive cloud speicher free

Melden Sie sich bei HiDrive an, um Dateien sicher online zu speichern und mit anderen zu teilen -. Free up memory on your devices without the bother of external hard drives. STRATO operates two certified data centers in Germany. HiDrive Login - Der Online-Speicher fr Dateien, Bilder. Our API provides a versatile endpoints to read and write files, manage sharing of data, handling file compression, creation of simple thumbnails for photos stored on HiDrive, as well as many other functions. Security and privacy always come first at STRATO, so HiDrive employs strict standards. The HiDrive API allows you to easily integrate the HiDrive cloud storage service into your application. Online storage also makes it easy to share data with friends, family or coworkers. HiDrive allows users to backup their data “in the cloud” and access it from anywhere. In der ersten Folge von STRATO facts erklrt Dir Lenny, was HiDrive ist und warum es Dein Leben erleichtert.more. This services is facilited by Strato, a German company which has been in the webhosting business for many. In fact, we use it for our own HiDrive Web-Interface, so (almost) everything you can do with our GUI, you can rebuild inside your own App. Der Online-Speicher HiDrive von STRATO Cloud-Speicher Made in Germany. HiDrive Free offers 5 GB free online storage space.

hidrive cloud speicher

The HiDrive API allows you to easily integrate the HiDrive cloud storage service into your application.

Hidrive cloud speicher